In this article, you will discover: How your social media can harm you in a personal injury case How to protect your personal injury claim from social media mistakes How an insurance company can use your social media posts against you How Can Social Media Posts Be Used Against Me In A Personal Injury Case In Louisiana? Insurance companies are constantly searching the internet for any photographs or comments that could be used to impact your case negatively. Anything you post can potentially be seen by an insurance company, so it’s best to think carefully and cautiously before you post anything during your personal injury case. What Steps Should I…Read More
In this article, you can discover… How to prove nursing home abuse. The compensation your loved one may be entitled to. How an attorney can help you navigate the law and counter defenses. How Is Abuse Typically Proven In A Nursing Home Abuse Case? Nursing home abuse is usually proven through documentation and records obtained from the nursing home. Alternatively, a lack of records may be used as proof of neglect, abuse, or substandard care. Documentation of injuries and interviews with witnesses are also helpful, and your attorney can help you collect and preserve this evidence for a settlement or a trial. How Does The Statute Of Limitations Affect My…Read More
In this article, you will discover: The advantages of purchasing uninsured motorist coverage in Louisiana Your options if you don’t have uninsured motorist coverage in Louisiana What coverage your health insurance provides in the event of an accident in Louisiana How Does Uninsured Motorist Coverage Work In Louisiana? If you have purchased uninsured motorist coverage through your own insurance company, it will pay a claim for: Bodily injury Pain and suffering Medical bills Lost wages Uninsured motorist coverage also pays if the person who hit you was either uninsured or underinsured. Underinsured means that the other driver may have a minimum policy that doesn't cover all of your damages. If…Read More
In this article, you can discover… The importance of medical records to your malpractice case. How long you have to collect those records. How to ensure your medical records are complete and consistent. Why Are Medical Records So Important For A Malpractice Case? Medical records are incredibly important. They can document errors or omissions in your treatment and help to pinpoint negligence on the part of medical specialists or nursing home staff. This is true no matter what type of medical malpractice case you are pursuing or where your malpractice injury took place. How Do I Obtain My Medical Records After Suspected Malpractice In Louisiana? All patients are entitled to…Read More
In this article, you will discover: How an attorney can help you gather evidence in a car accident claim Why you shouldn’t postpone medical care following a car accident Why you shouldn't accept the first offer from an insurance company following your accident Why Is Gathering Evidence Important After A Car Accident? The gathering of evidence necessary to prove your claim is critical to its success. Many times, witnesses and video recordings of the accident or incident will disappear in time. Crucial forms of evidence can include video evidence from nearby stores, dashcam evidence, and damage to your vehicle. How Can An Attorney Help Me With That Evidence? We have…Read More
In this article, you can discover… Who is responsible if you’re injured in a rideshare accident. How long you have to file a lawsuit in Louisiana. How to choose an attorney to represent you following a rideshare accident. Who Is Typically Responsible In A Lyft Or Uber Accident? This depends on the circumstances of the accident. The responsible party could be the Uber or Lyft driver if they failed to obey traffic laws or drove carelessly. The accident could have been caused by another motorist’s carelessness or could have been caused by the actions of both parties. An analysis of the accident will have to be made to determine whether…Read More
In this article, you can discover… The meaning of “negligence,” and how it can apply to your case. The types of damages you may be entitled to. How the statute of limitation can impact your Louisiana claim. What Is “Liability,” And What Does It Mean In The Context Of Personal Injury Law? Liability is essentially fault or responsibility. In order to establish liability in a personal injury case, you must show that the other person has responsibility, through something they did or failed to do, for causing your injury. How Is “Negligence” Defined In Louisiana, And Why Is It Important? Negligence is unintentional behavior that causes injury to another person…Read More
A whistleblower is anyone who reports the immoral, fraudulent, or otherwise harmful activity of an individual or organization. There are many provisions and laws set up on both a federal and state level to protect and encourage whistleblowers. One of the most central whistleblower protection laws is the False Claims Act, which was also the first law of its kind. The FCA protects anyone who “blows the whistle” on actions that financially damage the US government, usually through fraud. It does this in part through a provision allowing for qui tam suits, or suits filed by individuals or NGOs on behalf of the US government. In addition to protecting these…Read More
We might start here by defining the term “whistleblower.” A whistleblower is any person who decides to inform on a powerful person or organization engaged in wrongdoing. Their aim is ultimately to stop the wrongdoing by exposing it. Often, whistleblowers have only been privy to the wrongdoing because work or operate within the organization or in the employ of the person doing the wrongdoing. This means that whistleblowing often comes at significant risk and great potential expense to the whistleblower themselves. Whistleblowers, by definition, have made the decision to be brave for the greater good. These are people who have seen injustice taking place, and have decided to do something…Read More
It is traumatic and trying simply to be involved in any kind of accident, but the situation is taken to a whole new level when you are injured in it. Now you may have to deal with medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering during recovery. Many people even find themselves facing judgment and discouragement from friends, neighbors and family members. During such an isolating and frustrating time it is important to have an experienced personal injury lawyer in the New Orleans, LA, area on your side—and that is where we come in with 44 years of experience helping our clients receive the compensation they deserve. How Our Lawyers…Read More