Robichaux Law Firm, LLC

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(504) 332-8188

Robichaux Law Firm, LLC
Mass Torts

A Way To Fight Back For Justice And Compensation

It can be tough being the little guy in America, and Louisiana is no exception. Massive corporations consider your death or injury in terms of profit margins, not in lives destroyed or families harmed. Fighting back can seem hopeless; after all, they have armies of lawyers and the funds to bury an individual challenger.

Fortunately, you are not alone. There are other victims out there, poisoned by the same chemicals, injured by the same defective products, whose stories resonate with yours loud enough that even the mightiest companies have to listen. And there are Mass Torts Lawyers who will make sure your case is heard among the roar and you get the compensation you need and deserve.

This area of law is called Mass Tort, and these lawsuits are at the heart of what our Mass Tort Law Firm does in New Orleans, Chalmette, throughout Louisiana, and even across the country.

We Take The Risk So That You Don’t Have To

Our firm has nearly five decades of collective experience handling Mass Tort Litigation for injured or sick victims of industrial misbehavior and negligence. Mass Torts Lawsuits are essential for holding these big companies accountable, and we have streamlined the process of bringing effective lawsuits against them and winning compensation in court.

We know, however, that taking on big companies is risky, too risky for everyday Americans to be able to afford – which is why you don’t have to.

When Robichaux Law Firm represents your claim, you do not have to pay a single cent until you get a settlement you are satisfied with or win damages in court.

Even if you do not yet know if you are eligible for a claim but think you might, a consultation with our team is entirely free. We will help you figure out if you are eligible for any ongoing or future Mass Torts Lawsuits in Louisiana or federal courts. We will walk you through what to expect so that you can decide if you want to pursue justice and compensation – at no cost to you.

What Are Mass Tort Lawsuits?

Unlike a simple personal injury lawsuit filed against the person who injured you in an accident, Mass Torts are lawsuits filed by a certified group of plaintiffs against one or more defendants.

They require that multiple people be injured by a common cause, and the defendant’s action must have been wrongful, negligent, or criminal. If both those conditions are filled, you can join together with other victims to consolidate your claims into a Mass Tort.

All consolidated claims will then be heard by one Judge in one jurisdiction. This helps to streamline the process and expedite the trials of all such claims, but it does not mean that your case will not be considered on its own merits.

Mass Torts are similar to Class Action lawsuits, but in a Mass Tort case, each individual claim could potentially be tried in court. In Class Action lawsuits, the Court hears only one consolidated case and applies its ruling to all of the participating plaintiffs, which also means you have no control over the outcome.

However, it is important to have control when deciding whether to move forward or accept a settlement.

What Kinds Of Cases End Up In Mass Tort Litigation?

Anytime a company’s behavior causes widespread harm, a judge may decide to combine the cases of their victims into a Mass Tort lawsuit. This means we can end up helping clients in fields as distinct as drug side-effect lawsuits and internet-based addiction lawsuits.

In fact, due to their more flexible and nuanced nature, many defective drug lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies are Mass Tort cases as opposed to Class Actions.

As an example, Zantac is a heartburn medication that has been linked to a number of cancer types, including bladder, colon, kidney, or stomach cancer, with significant ongoing mass tort lawsuits.

Other examples of Mass Tort Lawsuits our attorneys can help you obtain compensation from include:

  • Exactas hip replacement lawsuits
  • Contaminated water exposure at Camp LeJeune.
  • Talcum Powder lawsuits against Johnson and Johnson for ovarian cancers.
  • And more,

If you believe you might be eligible for one of these lawsuits, our team of experienced attorneys can help you obtain compensation.

Do Not Let Justice Pass You By

Our Mass Tort litigation lawyers can and will fight for your right to obtain compensation for the injuries, illnesses, or injustices you have suffered. But we can only do so if you step forward and let us know of the symptoms you are facing and the companies whose products you have been exposed to.

If you are not sure whether you are eligible for a Mass Tort lawsuit, all you have to do is contact our Louisiana team. Call (504) 332-8188 and we will schedule a free consultation to discuss your situation and any Mass Tort claims you may be eligible for.

Remember, we charge no out-of-pocket expenses for representing your claim to ensure you can obtain justice no matter your means, because no one should be left out in the cold while giant corporations put profits over protections.

Robichaux Law Firm, LLC

Call Now To Receive A Free Legal Evaluation
(504) 332-8188