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It is traumatic and trying simply to be involved in any kind of accident, but the situation is taken to a whole new level when you are injured in it. Now you may have to deal with medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering during recovery. Many people even find themselves facing judgment and discouragement from friends, neighbors and family members.
During such an isolating and frustrating time it is important to have an experienced personal injury lawyer in the New Orleans, LA, area on your side—and that is where we come in with 44 years of experience helping our clients receive the compensation they deserve.
Your Injury may have forced you to take time off of work and cost you even more in medical bills, pain and heartache. As isolating and discouraging as your physical, mental and financial recovery may be, you don’t have to do it alone! Here are some ways our lawyers can help:
Robichaux Law Firm, LLC provides legal representation for
personal injury, product defect and other accident-related
lawsuits in the Greater New Orleans Area...Read More