Insurance Claims
Insurance Companies Profits Come Before Your Needs
Insurance companies are meant to be your safety net when things go wrong. You’ll pay into one, or more likely several, month after month, year after year. Yet, when the day comes, and you finally need that safety net, all too often, it is whisked out from under you.
Just when you need that money the most, sometimes insurance companies tend to drag their feet, make you jump through endless bureaucratic hoops, undervalue your claim, or engage in outright deceitful and deceptive practices to avoid having to pay the full amount you need and deserve.
From denying individuals coverage for life saving medical treatments to failing entire communities ( like Chalmette, after hurricane’s devastate them ), insurance companies consistently put their profits and bottom line ahead of the people they are supposed to be helping: you.
Fortunately, with the help of experienced insurance claim attorneys like our team at The Robichaux Law Firm, you can hold them accountable for their misbehavior and obtain the funds you so desperately need.
When Do You Need An Insurance Claims Attorney In Louisiana?
In the ideal world, no one would ever need the court system to force insurance companies to pay up. Unfortunately in the current system, it is all too often required.
For one thing, if you are like most people who have made an insurance claim, you may not have the information necessary to ascertain whether or not you are the victim of a deceptive claims settlement practice.
This is because insurance companies use a wide array of practices in order to delay and reduce claim settlements. Some are more honest than others. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible for an ordinary resident of New Orleans or anywhere else in Louisiana to distinguish between the “reasonable” objections, and improper and deceptive insurance company claim settlement practices.
Luckily, the Robichaux Law Firm has nearly 50 years of combined experience litigating insurance claims against insurance companies. If your claim has been refused, or you believe you may have been cheated of due compensation, our attorneys can help you fight back against insurance companies across a wide variety of fields.
What Kinds Of Insurance Claims Can Our Lawyers Help You With
Every day, it seems like you are required or strongly recommended to buy a new type of insurance, and indeed, there always seems to be more insurance available for a wider and wider variety of disasters, emergencies, daily needs, and tragedies.
Unfortunately, in every field, you will also find insurance companies or adjusters all too ready to refuse your due compensation after a claim. Luckily, our attorneys will help you see justice done and help you fight for that claim in court if needed.
We have experience handling:
- Homeowner insurance claims, including fire, water damage, and hurricane claims
- Car insurance and any other vehicle insurance claims
- Personal injury insurance claims against a negligent party’s insurance
- Property damage insurance claims
- Disability insurance claims, including against local, state, or federal insurers
- Other fraudulent, deceptive, or deceitful insurance claim denials or delays.
In each and every case, we start by determining whether the insurance company has broken any laws, and is liable in court. Then we give them an ultimatum: pay up what you owe or see us in court. Finally, we either get that much-needed settlement or fight out the claim in court until you get the compensation you need.
For example, if your homeowners insurance is refusing to pay for damages caused by a storm, our lawyers will help you make a claim against them, and take them to court if they continue to refuse.
Best part? We do it all without charging a penny up-front and only get paid if we get you a win.
More Information:
Get A Louisiana Insurance Claim Lawyer On Your Side Without Paying A Dime
If insurance companies are happy to take your money and then refuse to pay out when you need it, our team of insurance claim attorneys is the exact opposite. We change nothing up-front, and all our initial consultations are 100% free. Furthermore, we don’t charge anything until we get you a win, and only then do we take a percentage to cover our work.
This contingency model ensures that you get the help you need against the insurance company giants without putting any financial pressure on your situation. To take advantage of our experience and start down the path to justice and insurance claim compensation, call (504) 332-8188 now or book an online consultation today.
Each minute that goes by is another minute closer to the insurance company getting away with their misbehavior for good. Call now to make sure that never happens!

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(504) 332-8188