Robichaux Law Firm, LLC

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Robichaux Law Firm, LLC
Bicycle and helmet on road next to car after accident - Robichaux Law Firm, LLCHave You Been Injured In A Bicycle Accident In Louisiana?

Bicycles are an increasingly common sight in many New Orleans neighborhoods and suburbs like Chalmette, and with more riders comes more accidents.

Unfortunately, because bicycle riders have so much less protection than someone driving a car or truck, accidents involving bicyclists tend to leave severe injuries or even lasting disabilities. Fortunately, if the accident you were injured in was caused by the reckless or negligent behavior of a driver or even another bicyclist, you may be able to claim compensation for those injuries and other losses through a personal injury claim.

Personal injury claims are something we concentrate on here at The Robichaux Law Firm, and our lawyers know that bicycle accidents carry their own sets of legal complications and particular details. These can make obtaining full and fair compensation after a bicycle accident injury that much more difficult, though with the help of a bicycle accident lawyer near you, you will be able to recover the damages you need to get your life back on track.

How Are Bicycle Accidents And Bicyclists Treated Differently (Or Not!) Under Louisiana Personal Injury Law?

Under Louisiana personal injury laws, accidents and injuries involving bicycles are treated largely the same as car crashes and other personal injury accidents. This is because, in New Orleans and the rest of Louisiana, bicycles are generally treated as vehicles.

As a result, a person riding a bicycle has all of the rights and duties of the driver of a vehicle, for example, they must slow down and then stop at red lights and stop signs. However, there are a few important differences.

  • Some legal obligations for cars and motor vehicles, by their nature, are not applicable to bicycle riders. For example, believe it or not, state DUI laws do not apply to bicyclists, though public inebriation charges can be!
  • Bicycle riders can use bike paths but do not have to.
  • Bicyclists should stay close to the right of the road except when preparing for a left-hand turn.
  • Helmets are legally mandatory only if you are under 18, but really should be worn at all times.

These are just some of the many subtle differences under the law, but the real differences are in how other vehicles, especially cars, treat bicycle riders. Drivers have a terrible habit of not paying enough attention to smaller vehicles in their mirrors, including bicycles. They rarely respect the safety distance for passing bicycles, and as a result, can cause accidents or crashes without even realizing it!

If a driver’s negligence or recklessness causes you to crash or be injured, fortunately, you can demand compensation from them with the help of a good personal injury attorney.

What Compensation Can You Receive After A Bicycle Accident?

When a driver’s negligence causes a crash, whether car, truck, or bicycle, they (and their insurance) are responsible for covering the harm caused. Getting them to do so is not always easy, however, and requires a personal injury claim against their insurance and a good lawyer to see that they actually pay the full and fair amount.

After a bicycle accident in Louisiana, you can get financial compensation for any and all of the following harms and losses:

  • All medical bills connected to your bicycle accident injury, including emergency services and surgeries.
  • Any future estimated medical costs, such as long-term treatments and physical therapy.
  • Wages lost due to your injury, including future wages or permanent disability.
  • Emotional pain, trauma, quality of life loss, and other forms of suffering.
  • Any other harms, losses, or costs connected to your bicycle accident injury.

These costs are supposed to be paid in full by the insurance of the driver who hit you or caused your crash, but they will often drag their feet, contest costs, or try to trick bike accident victims into accepting less than they deserve. Sometimes this means you will have to file a bicycle accident lawsuit to obtain your personal injury damages from the insurance company involved.

Which is why if you have been in a bike accident, you are going to need a personal injury claims attorney with experience handling bicycle accident claims.

Call A Bicycle Accidents Lawyer In Louisiana Immediately After A Crash

Once all immediate medical needs have been met, the best thing you can do after a bicycle accident is to call an experienced personal injury law firm.

Our team will not only be able to start preparing your personal injury claim, but we will also act to preserve witness testimony and evidence from the scene while helping you calculate the medical costs you need as you wait for the insurance company to pay up.

Call (504) 332-8188 right now to schedule a consultation with our Louisiana personal injury lawyer after any bicycle accident injuries to get started on the path to financial compensation. The initial consultation is free.

Robichaux Law Firm, LLC

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(504) 332-8188